Episode 41 – Kenneth Yu – The Hallmark of An Amateur is Thinking The Beginning is The End.

We have all, at one point, had to answer the question, “what do you want to be when you grow up?”

Well, for Kenneth, he always knew he was going to write. He believes that copywriting is a gift that he has honed to become a seasoned practitioner. 

From humble beginnings, he built multiple businesses along the way, spoken at various prestigious conferences, and gained worldwide recognition for his skill sets. 

Kenneth believes in the importance of persuasion and sees it as a key lever in differentiating yourself from the competition, and this is the Holy Grail of frameworks that he imparts to his fellow marketers. 

“The hallmark of an amateur is thinking the beginning is the end.” – Kenneth Yu

In today’s episode, Kenneth shares with us his marketing wisdom and eye-opening alliterations about business. Discover how Kenneth fell into the marketing world, founded multiple businesses, and became the successful copywriter and influencer he is today. 

Some topics that were discussed include:

  • How Kenneth entered the marketing world
  • Kenneth’s musical background
  • Advice for copywriters who are non-native English speakers
  • The problem with many course buyers
  • Kenneth’s secret to selling information products
  • How Kenneth feels about being away from the US
  • Thoughts about AI copywriting
  • How to think about the bigger picture as a copywriter
  • Writer or an entrepreneur? How does Kenneth see himself and why it is useful for you
  • Kenneth’s relationship with his wife
  • Are goals really that important?
  • Why it is good for you to embrace fear
  • Kenneth’s 2023 plans
  • Generalizing versus specializing
  • Should you follow your passions?

References & links mentioned:

Contact Kenneth:

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