Episode 17 – Harlan Kilstein: The number one thing every new copywriter needs to learn before it’s too late

Harlan is a Brooklyn-born entrepreneur, author, and lifestyle coach. He is a highly skilled marketer and copywriter, learning from the likes of Dan Kennedy and Gary Halbert. He has been able to carve a path for himself in the direct response world by combining his passion for marketing and his knowledge in hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and has achieved great success in his career.

Today, we talk with Harlan about his life as a copywriter from the early days until now. The world of marketing has changed through the years and we talk about our thoughts and experiences on this matter. Learn about Harlan’s rise to success and what makes good copywriters standout from the rest.

“My greatest satisfaction is seeing someone take your teachings and apply them.” – Harlan Kilstein

Some topics that were discussed include:

  • What life is like in Florida
  • How Harlan got into copywriting
  • Becoming friends with your heroes
  • What makes a good copywriter?
  • The strategy of preeminence
  • The problem with new copywriters
  • How to get clients from seminars
  • Why interactive sales letters are so successful
  • Chris’ and Harlan’s first time meeting
  • The importance of having a mentor

References & links mentioned:

Contact Harlan:

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