Episode 20 – Casey “Slaughter” Stanton: The Fractional CMO Method
If you’re still calling yourself a copywriter in 2022, stop right now. Because you may as well wear a sign around your neck that says “pay me less than I am worth”.
You’re more than just a writer. And if you’ve been in the game a few years, you’ve already got skills that business owners will happily pay top dollar for…
…even if you never put pen to paper again!
Today’s guest is Casey “Slaughter” Stanton, author of The Fractional CMO Method. In this episode, he shows you how one subtle positioning tweak can help you:
- Charge more…
- Keep your pipeline full…
- And turn your existing skills into a lucrative, sustainable business!
Listen now.
You’ve got to have a full pipeline if you want to be in control – Casey
Episode highlights
- An afternoon read that will help you build a $500k per year business (even if you refuse to work more than 40 hours a week) (1:10)
- The weird way a banjo and Star Wars help you churn out lightning-fast copy when a deadline is looming (1:58)
- Single guys: wear this one “inconspicuous” accessory to boost your chances on the dating field (4:44)
- How to transform a simple summertime house chore into a world-class education (8:59)
- The “cold reading” parable that proves why you should never fight your prospects’ beliefs in your copy (16:44)
- Why money turns noble marketers into detestable charlatans (23:17)
- The marketer who turned his own death into a promotion (28:05)
- The long-forgotten “thud factor” technique for increasing the perceived value of your info products (29:30)
- What the Church of Scientology can teach you about converting prospects into customers (31:18)
- A sneak peek behind the doors of Chris’ business (41:09)
- Why split testing your ads gives you a better education than a year of marketing school (41:33)
- A subtle positioning shift that helps starving writers fill their pipelines (and score clients that stick around for years) (48:22)
- 2 “billionaire tactics” that help you print money (while working less) (54:15)
- The “wartime-peacetime” philosophy for building an inseparable team that stands by your side (even when work feels like a nightmare) (56:41)
- How to double your income by charging 50% LESS (even if you don’t work any more hours per week) (59:09)
- Chris’ “evil plan” for getting work done (even if you feel like watching cartoons in your underwear) (1:07:31)
- A digital-age heirloom that your great-grandchildren will remember you for (1:14:04)
- What the 70’s porn industry teaches you about creating unforgettable promotions (1:18:03)
- How to live a meaningful life in a world where TikTok and YouTube are vying for your attention in every waking moment (1:19:30)
While we’re here, Casey has a special offer just for The Chris Haddad Show listeners. Head to cmox.co/pig and claim your copy of The Fractional CMO method at a steep discount.