Episode 12 – Emily Lark: I knew it would work because it made me uncomfortable

With Emily Lark’s current success in copywriting, you’d think that this was always her passion. But Emily is actually a self-taught marketer who knew absolutely nothing about marketing beforehand. Through a lot of genuine networking, hard work, and a boatload of confidence, she was able to propel herself to success. 

Currently, Emily owns a yoga studio, is a creator of the Back to Life Program, and coaches others to improve on their own marketing and copywriting strategies. 

Today, we talk with Emily about her serendipitous stumble into the world of marketing and how she not only learned but bucked the trend and thrived from her foray into this space. From growing up in poverty to surviving a car accident, to dealing with imposter syndrome, Emily is a force to be reckoned with. Listen to how Emily finds her courage and deals with all the challenges in her life. 

“I try to train myself that when something scares me, I should walk towards it rather than away from it.” – Emily Lark

Some topics that were discussed include:

  • How Emily got into internet marketing
  • Learning how to heal back pain
  • Getting into VSL
  • Emily’s experience in attending conferences
  • What Emily would tell herself 7 years ago
  • How becoming wealthy felt for Emily
  • Dealing with imposter syndrome
  • How it feels exposing yourself to the world
  • Toxic masculinity
  • Emily’s future plans
  • Learning not to overwork yourself

References & links mentioned:

Contact Emily:

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