Episode 40 – Dominique Fraser – How to charge more as a freelancer

Dominique Fraser is a talented creative businesswoman. After unlocking the secret to closing high-ticket offers as a copywriter, Dominique was able to reach the epitome of success in her career. She wanted to help others achieve the same.

Dominique is the founder of Sublim Business, an online school that helps experienced entrepreneurs unlock their full potential and reach their income goals. 

“If you’re stressing out about your own pricing, you will not sell because other people can feel it.” – Dominique Fraser

In today’s episode, Dominique doesn’t hold back in sharing her golden nuggets of wisdom for copywriters and freelancers who want to start charging more. Learn why you should stop charging per hour, how to overcome imposter syndrome and start achieving success, and why money shouldn’t be your main source of motivation.

Some topics that were discussed include:

  • Dominique’s struggles in her previous career
  • What are the worst types of clients?
  • How to package your services wisely
  • Overcoming imposter syndrome
  • Dominique’s recipe for success
  • How to stop being money-motivated
  • Why you should stop charging per hour
  • Being comfortable with charging more
  • Dominique’s technique on how to get clients

References & links mentioned:

Contact Dominique:

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