Episode 27 – Do women make better copywriters than men? – Lorrie Morgan

When was the first time you woke up and you just thought, “I should be a copywriter; that is what I should do!”?

Today’s guest, the awesome Lorrie Morgan, shares her life working as an actress and in the corporate world before becoming a copywriter superstar. She talks about how John Carlton helped her shift her trajectory and eventually fall in love with copywriting. 

I’m just going to do it. Because I really want to get to the next level.

In this episode, we discuss how copywriting opportunities have changed over the years, some personal stories that made us realize that copywriting was for us, how men and women differ as writers and Lorrie making it as one of the best in the business. 

Listen now. 

  • How copywriting exploded over the past five to seven years (04:39)
  • A great mentor is integral to your career. For Lorrie, John Carlton changed her trajectory of the business (20:55)
  • Spending money on masterminds might mean the big bucks but it can change what you know (23:49)
  • A subtle difference between how men and women write copy. But looking under the surface, there might just be something more to it (24:59)
  • The fascinating connections between copywriting and psychology (36:43)
  • Professional development and investing in yourself (1:11:35)

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